Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Busy Side of Life

All the Happenings in my Life...

My intentions when I started this blog were to share what is going on in my life, share my photos and also share some of my projects and layouts.

Of course I started right before my life got crazy busy, so I have not been able to do a lot of that yet.  So I will share now.

In August my Grandma Pat died.  It was a hard time, but I am so blessed to have the friends and family that I do, it was nice to spend time with loved ones I don't see very often.

A few days after the funeral we left for Maui for a two week vacation.  That was really fun, I especially loved the two week part!  We did a lot of hanging out on the beach, we met Mick Fleetwood, and went fishing on the Maui Jim boat and caught some Mahi Mahi.  It was a lot of fun.
The night we returned home from Maui our oldest cat was having a lot of difficulty breathing.  I started making calls trying to figure out where I could take her after hours, the nearest 24 hour facility is 25 minutes away and I didn't think she would make it that far.  I found an amazing vet here in town that rushed down to open his office at 10:30 on a Saturday night to treat her.  She was in a full blown asthma attack and very dehydrated.  He gave her oxygen, fluids, bronchiodialators, steroids and antibiotics.  He and his office called to check on her afterwards every day for the next five days.  He went above and beyond, and saved Inca's life.

That next weekend my brother got married!  I love Kristen and I am so glad that she is my sister in law!  The wedding was beautiful, and it was a lot of fun.  I cannot wait to scrapbook my photos, because they will go perfect with the Dakota CTMH paper!  I will be posting pictures of my layouts in the coming weeks.

Now time to go enjoy some of this beautiful fall weather!
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